Monday, March 28, 2016


Hello students, I very often come across this query from a lot of students that they are unable to study consistently, when they start the preparations they work hard for the first two three days and after that they start losing their pace, if that is the case with you as well then this post is specially for you.

We can make a graph for any normal student , and we would know that there are highs and lows, it would be next to impossible to be able to maintain a straight line, if that were possible there would be no problems at all. 

What happens with most of the students is that their graph sees a lot of highs and lows, students reach their maximum level and then dip to their minimum level, they take long breaks in which they avoid studying.

What you should be doing instead is try to avoid these fluctuations, whenever you start feeling low, or you feel that your efficiency is dipping, gather yourself and bounce back, don’t let it fall and you will notice that over a period of time your quality of work has improved considerably. Avoid having moments of panic and keep calm.

The trick is to not let your graph fall too much, otherwise rising from it will become difficult, try to maintain a balance, I am not suggesting you to stop going out for movies and with friends, but you should do that only after you have completed your studies act as a true professional and perform all your tasks.

There is fluctuation in everyone’s life, but we have to remember to bounce back higher than where we were before. Always remain in a positive frame of mind. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and Stay connected.

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